The Drain Guardian™
2 phase defense system
2 phase defense system
Homeowners spend thousands of dollars annually on various methods to create a barrier between mother nature’s insects and the interior of their home. Yet, they leave the most vulnerable access points, the drain lines of their heating and air system completely unprotected. It’s like locking all your doors up tight at night yet, leaving a window wide open!
The average US household spends $4000 annually on HVAC and pest control products to combat pests in the home. 24% of those homeowners are also on annual contracts to aid protection.
50 million of those households have children or adults with moderate to severe breathing disorders. Major contributors are parasites, pathogens, viruses in the air duct systems, and use of pesticides in the home.
There are 900,000 emergency room admissions annually for severe wasp or spider stings, resulting in approximately 1,400 fatalities.
Pests are drawn to:
Most homeowners do not realize they have a problem until expensive and untimely repairs are needed...
Roaches and mice infestations pose the largest risk to both the health of the occupants and the potential damages to the air duct systems. Imagine being told you need a complete air duct system replacement at $15,000, only to find out that your home insurance does not cover pest damage.
Both species can corrupt an entire air distribution system by tracking their urine and feces droppings throughout the system; the furnace fan will facilitate the circulation of all the parasites, pathogens, viruses and diseases with each “run” cycle (35 known viruses including polio, salmonella and streptococcus).
Nothing quite prepares you for an encounter with a huge spider inside the home. Mostly nocturnal, they stay hidden during the day and run about at night. Unlike mice, they are the super athletes of the insect kingdom, easily navigating up and through the air vents to the living areas of the home. Homes are particularly vulnerable September through October because that is spiders' mating season.
Guard Your Family And Those You Love From Pests